The A$2.4 billion project includes
- construction of 70 high capacity metro trains
- construction of a state-of-the-art maintenance depot at Pakenham East
- a light service facility at Calder Park to support operation of the HCMTs on the Sunbury line
- two train simulators to support the training of drivers
- 1100 jobs
- an $800m of investment in the Victorian supply chain
- technology and knowledge transfer
- a commitment to local content that will deliver jobs and industry growth
- maintenance of the HCMTs to 2053
Each train will have
- 28 allocated spaces for wheel chairs and other mobility devices in each seven-car train (14 allocated spaces in each direction of travel)
- priority seating throughout the train, located close to doorways and windows
- improved real time information through dynamic route maps and passenger information displays
- multiple types of grab handles
- easy-to-use passenger intercom system
- improved CCTV capacity for greater passenger safety
- incorporate new high capacity signaling
- careful selection of materials and fabrics to minimise graffiti
- proven cleaning systems and processes
The fleet will be built in Victoria over six years at Downer’s Newport facility in Melbourne’s west. Downer is investing $16 million to upgrade Newport which will create 50 jobs during construction. Engagement of 175 semi-skilled and skilled manufacturing employees commenced in late 2017.
These next generation seven-car trains will progressively enter service after comprehensive testing, operating first on the Cranbourne and Pakenham lines, and longer term will run through the new Metro Rail Tunnel to Sunbury.
We’ve taken the time to understand experiences, behaviours and priorities of the Victorian public so that we provide a tailored train fleet that is focussed on the customer experience.
Feedback from a range of passenger groups, train drivers, the network operator Metro Trains Melbourne and other stakeholders was sought during 2017 as part of the design process.
Input from stakeholders and passenger groups was considered as part of the range of features, including: type, location and colour of priority seating; type and location of grab handles; use of tactile lettering and colour of surfaces; and emergency egress amongst others.
Evolution Rail has produced and assembled a full sized physical mock-up of the HCMT, which was representative of the design at the stage of the design process. The mock-up spans 39-metres and represents almost two full carriages including the driver cab. Stakeholders including drivers, technical experts, the Public Transport Access Committee, Metro Trains Melbourne, passenger and accessibility groups, various government agencies as well as focus groups representing a cross section of the community had an opportunity to view, experience and evaluate some key features of the design through the mock-up.
All feedback gathered throughout 2017 has been considered in the design of the HCMT fleet. The near final design of the HCMT was unveiled in early 2018 as part of the Victorian Government’s ‘Melbourne, Meet Your New Train’ event that culminated in a public display at White Night Melbourne 2018.
Read more about the HCMT project